Eating that Frog with a Pomodoro

Faizan Ahmad
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Procrastination is a mutual aspect of us human beings. We all have that ‘instant gratification monkey’ who takes over the wheel, according to Tim Urban. Whenever we are assigned a task the stress created in our mind diverts us from that path and tries to force feed into the comfort zone. To avoid that, Miss Berkely’s Pomdoro technique is a game changer.

Personally, Pomodoro technique’s implementation was quite a daunting task but I was short on time and with ‘Building your Superhero Resume’ course having its fair share of content. I decided to use Pomodoro technique on it.

I set the timer on my phone for 25 mins and wollah! It was 25 mins already. I decided to take a short break for lesiure time and got back into the game. 25 mins gone again. This time I decided to eat something and now this is where I lost track of time. 2–3 mins break became an hour’s break and it kept on going until that ‘panic monster’ inside me got awake and decided to work on the task. So, the conclusion of this technique was,

  1. Application of this technique can help a lot of people but some may not reap full rewards
  2. Pomodoro did not work for me as I do things at my own pace as it was quite difficult for me to apply this technique
  3. Pomodoro has a unique element of treating yourself after a set period of time but that may go in wrong direction.

Pomodoro is a technique worthy applying in daily personal and professional lives. But remaining strict to the guidlines may seem a little challenging for some. It may cause you out of your confort zone but Pomodoro is the way to go.

